Expand description

This module is for representing SBOR via the serde serialization format. In particular, it’s been optimised for serializing to JSON, but can also be serialized into other formats.

To use this module, you need to enable the serde feature.

You can then:

    // Ensure the ContextualSerialize trait is in scope.
    // You will need to enable the "sbor" feature of utils.
    use utils::*;
    use sbor::representations::*;

    let payload = BasicPayload::new(&payload_bytes);
    let serializable = payload.serializable(
        // Provide some SerializationParameters

    // You can then make use of the serializable value using a serde serializer - eg serde_json.
    // NB: If you are using std, it is recommended to enable the `preserve_order` feature of serde_json,
    // which ensures discriminators are printed first where possible, which can make deserialization more
    // efficient in some cases.
    let json = serde_json::to_string(&serializable).unwrap();



